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Composite Filling vs Amalgam

types of fillingsSince people are taking better care of their teeth in recent years. The number of reported cavities has reduced. However, even when they do happen, a much wider variety of fillings are available to treat them with. Fillings are a great option for restoration if one has suffered cavities or other damage to their teeth.

What are Fillings and How Do They Work?

Fillings aid the restoration of teeth affected by tooth decay, help bring them back to their normal function, and prevent further decay. Fillings can vary widely in material and complexity. Direct fillings are placed directly into cavities, but with indirect fillings, we make an impression of the tooth and create a custom filling to fit around it. If we know your needs and you know your options, we can work together to make the right choice for you.

What are Composite Fillings?

Composite tooth fillings, also known as tooth-colored fillings, are usually made of acrylic resin and powdered glass. Available for both front and back teeth, they are popular among people who want fillings with a more natural appearance. They also provide great durability and resistance to fracture in small or medium-sized fillings that must endure moderate pressure from constant chewing.

How do Composite Fillings Compare to Amalgam Fillings?

Amalgam fillings, which are made from a mixture of metals, are the more traditional option for fillings. Amalgam fillings are cheap, durable and long-lasting, but they also darken in color over time. Composite fillings offer some advantages over them. For one thing, we can shade composite fillings to match the color of the patient’s natural teeth to make the fillings less noticeable. Composite fillings have grown in popularity as more people have sought after natural-looking smiles.

[[[What Happens During a Filling?]]]
When the filling procedure begins, we may need to give you local anesthesia to numb the area near the tooth. Then Nancy Shiba, DDS, uses a drill to pierce through the enamel and remove any tooth decay.

Once the decay is removed, the dentist will shape the space to prepare it for the filling. Then Nancy Shiba, DDS will etch the tooth with an acid gel before placing the filling. Some types of fillings require us to layer on the resin and use a special light to harden it. Finally, once the filling is placed and set, we will polish your tooth.

However, in the end, preventing dental problems is the best alternative to fillings. By brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day, eating a balanced diet, living a healthy lifestyle, and coming in for dental check-ups once every six months, you can drastically reduce your risk of cavities and other dental problems.

For more information about fillings or to schedule a consultation, please call our office at (669) 306-7669.

Our Office
In San Jose

Nancy Shiba, DDS

125 N Jackson Ave, Suite 103, San Jose, CA 95116-1903

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(669) 306-7669


Mon: 9AM–6PM
Tue: by appointment
Wed: 9AM–6PM
Thur: 9AM–3PM
Friday: 8AM–5PM
Sat & Sun: Closed
Copyright © 2016-2024 Nancy Shiba, DDS and WEO Media (Touchpoint Communications LLC). All rights reserved.
Composite vs Amalgam Fillings in San Jose, CA
Nancy Shiba, DDS, 125 N Jackson Ave, Suite 103, San Jose, CA 95116-1914 + (669) 306-7669 + + 8/28/2024